HVAC Maintenance Tips

Here are a few tips which will help you maintain your AC better.

Test Your Air Conditioner

If you haven’t started using your air conditioner yet this year, go and turn it on now. Set it to several degrees below the current temperature to make sure it can get cool. Look out for strange noises and ensure there are no leaks or other obvious problems.

Clean The Filter And Set A Schedule

Change your air filter or clean it, because dirty air makes the equipment have to work harder which can lead to freeze-ups or breakdowns. Then mark your calendar so that you’ll remember to clean the filter once every month during the summer, or at whatever interval the manufacturer recommends.

Clear Debris From The Outdoor Unit

Collect and Dispose of Leaves, Branches, and Trash that May Have Collected Around Your Outdoor Ac Unit. if Shrubs Grow Close to The Equipment, Trim Them in A Way that Leaves a Few Feet of Space.

Clean The Outdoor Unit

Use a vacuum attachment to clean the coils. For even better results, schedule a maintenance visit by a reputed company that will thoroughly clean all components.

Get A Smart Thermostat

One of the many ways to maintain your AC is to use it a little bit less. A programmable thermostat can pay for itself by avoiding energy wastage while you’re away, in turn extending the AC lifespan.

Use A Ceiling Fan

If you’re willing to turn the thermostat up by a degree or two, using a ceiling fan to save energy will take some pressure off your AC. 

Check Insulation And Weatherstripping

Homes should have at least R-38 insulation in the attic. think about adding more insulation wherever you can, and check window and door seals and weatherstrips to replace or add them as needed.

Throw Some Shade

Everyone likes letting in natural light. However, you can maintain your AC better by avoiding excessive heat gain. Use blinds or thick curtains on east- and west-facing windows, or grow shady trees outside of them.

Never Skip Annual AC Maintenance

If everything seems fine, you might be wondering if professional AC maintenance is worth it. The answer is – absolutely! Annual AC maintenance will help spot concerns early before something serious happens.

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