Tips To Get Strong White Teeth

Taking care of your dental health is a great way to ensure the perfect smile while warding off a host of dental diseases. 

Here we share 7 tips you can start implementing today:

Brush properly

Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day using a gentle, circular motion to remove plaque and germs that accumulate through the day. Include brushing your tongue gently to prevent bad breath and oral health problems as plaque and germs accumulate on the tongue too.

Use a toothpaste containing fluoride

Fluoride protects teeth from decay by demineralization and remineralization and provides a protective layer of defense for your teeth. When selecting your toothpaste, always ensure it contains fluoride.

Floss regularly

Make flossing a part of your daily routine to remove bits of food and debris that get stuck between your teeth and is not removed by brushing. Flossing also helps stimulate the gums and reduces inflammation. It’s important to treat flossing as equally important as brushing.

Use mouthwash

Mouthwash helps balance the pH levels in your mouth, removing germs from hard to reach areas and helping strengthen your teeth. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash or at least water after every meal to prevent the buildup of plaque and germs. You can also speak with your dentist if you need stronger prescription mouthwash to prevent bad breath.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is a great way to improve your overall health in addition to improving your dental health. Drink a glass of water with every meal to neutralize the sticky and acidic foods and beverages that you may have consumed.

Consume fruits and vegetables

When it comes to taking care of your teeth, eating crunchy fruits and vegetables is a great way to strengthen your teeth, gums and jaw and removing stains, while at the same time adding fiber to your diet. They also help improve overall health by providing antioxidants to your body.

Visit your dentist regularly

Visiting your dentist at least twice a year is crucial, to check for and provide treatment plans for any potential oral health complications such as cavities or gum disease. Your dentist can also remove the hardened plaque that may have built up over time and modify your dental health care routine if need be.

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